Donated Hunt a Success

March 12, 2015 by Tim Amen
Chip Morrison of Morrison Insurance Agency, in Lakewood and Stephen Smith, of OKC Farms in Wiggins, co-sponsored a donated hunt that was auctioned off at last years banquet. Greg Wagers and Stephen provided dogs and guided the hunt. Stephen is shown below with 2 of the 4 hunters. Here is a summary of that hunt.
Jeremy and Jon Holt, the hunt purchasers, had 12 birds released for themselves and Jeremy's boys - 4 chukar, 4 Gambel's quail, and 4 bobwhite quail. Greg's dogs pointed 10 of the birds, two others flushed wild, and they brought 4 chukar and 4 quail to bag.
Cade, the younger boy,hit one of the quail with a load of #6 steel out of his little .410 and smacked it! Later on, he did another great shot on a chukar.
The boys were very excited, especially Cade, who rightfully claimed that he got two birds by himself. He figures that he is now an expert hunter and has passed Coy, with his one goose kill! They both drew spring turkey tags and are looking forward to that.
What an opportunity, and memory, for these 2 boys, made possible because Dad and Grampa bought a hunt donated by 2 great partners of Pheasants Forever!
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